
Before & after school care

Breakfast Club

The school operates a Breakfast Club from 8.00am each day to support those parents and carers who need an earlier start or whose child needs a bit of extra time to settle in the morning.  This costs £2.50 a session and includes breakfast. Breakfast is available until 8.25am. Pre-booking is essential via the school office and payment is made via ParentPay in advance of your booked session. We have a safe, happy environment and lots of toys and games for the children to play with before school. 

To register for Breakfast Club please request a registration form from Mrs Vaughan. 

 After School Club

The school operates an After School Club from 3.15pm - 5pm each day to support those parents and carers who need to work.  This costs £5.50 a session and includes a snack & refreshments.  Pre-booking is essential via the school office and payment is made via ParentPay in advance of your booked session. We have a safe, happy environment and lots of toys and games for the children to play with after school. 

To register for After School Club please email or call Mrs Vaughan. 


The Base - offer after school and holiday childcare for children aged 5-11 years. Please phone 01424 215455 for more information. Based at: Bexhill Youth & Community Centre, 10 Station Road, Bexhill.