Statutory Info

Sports Premium

What is PE and Sports Premium?

The Sports Premium is given to schools so they can make additional and sustainable improvements to the standard of the PE and sport which is provided.

This is attained by: raising the profile of PE and sport; encouraging and ensuring that children engage in regular physical activity; increasing the confidence and skills of staff and children; offering a wide range of sports and activities within the curriculum, after school clubs and at break and lunchtimes and increasing participation in competitions whether this be inter school competitions or against other schools.

Here at Chantry we utilise our funding in a manner which allows us to improve our PE curriculum whilst also allowing for improvements in staff skills and knowledge. Alongside these improvements, children’s participation and engagement with sport and physical activity, both for pleasure and competition, is also a focus and area we consider when investing the funding in our planning.


The department of education sets out the following five indicators for areas in which schools should expect to see an improvement from the use of their Sports premium funding:

1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines

recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical

activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.

2. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement

3. Increased confidence, knowledge, and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

5. Increased participation in competitive sport