
Personal Social Health Education

The development of our pupils’ personal, social, health and emotional skills is very important to us. We use a ‘Circle Time’ approach at a level appropriate to the child’s age, maturity and understanding. We draw on the SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) programme and resources to provide termly themes and classroom resources.

The school has a clear policy on Sex and Relationship Education. Our scheme of work enables children to gain an understanding of the working of their bodies, including human reproduction using correct vocabulary. As children move through the school their understanding is gently progressed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Sex and Relationship education is always taught in the context of family life, of loving relationships and respect for one another. Children are given time to ask questions in a supported environment and are answered in a manner appropriate to the age and maturity of the children. In Key Stage Two children are given opportunities to work in gender specific groups and to ask questions they may feel uncomfortable to ask in the presence of the whole class.

Parents are given the opportunity to view the teaching resources prior to the lessons and to ask the class teacher any questions they may have.